10 Things To Do Before You Go To Sleep To Rest Better

INSOMNIA, What To Do Before Bedtime To Relax Better? Rest and good sleep are the key to start a new day at best. At night our body recharges.. So let us not underestimate the importance of good sleep and try to sleep always at the same time, as a general rule to give our body a regular rhythm.

Here are some tips for better rest. Follow what you feel more useful and try to put it into practice every night.

1.) Drink Herbal Tea To Rest Better

Drink an herbal tea or a hot drink before bedtime helps your good rest. Some herbs, more than others, help us take sleep and give a feeling of relaxation. You can also choose a relaxing herbal tea made from a blend of herbs designed to promote good sleep. Ask your herbalist.

2.) Practice Yoga To Rest Better

Follow a yoga course in the evenings, or practising yoga at home before going to sleep, will help you relax. Some Asanas are recommended especially for promoting good sleep. If you are a beginner, choose the simpler positions. Sit or lie down comfortably and make long and deep breaths. Slow, deep breathing has a calming and relaxing that will amaze you.

3.) Meditate To Rest Better

The evening is one of the best moments to devote to meditation, because this practice, especially if done regularly, can help you put aside your worries for a while before going to sleep. Then, as you know, the night will lead the Council. Meditate helps fight insomnia and to relax the mind, which will help the body to prepare for the rest.

4.) Avoid Caffeine To Rest Better

Some people are sensitive to caffeine and therefore prefer not to drink after dinner and in the evening hours the classic Cup of coffee, but also avoid black tea and fizzy drinks which may contain this substance. If you are sensitive to caffeine, – avoid altogether in the hours preceding the time of going to sleep, ideally from dinner on wards.

5.) Read A Book To Rest Better

Read a book that reconciles the sleep. Some people manage to fall asleep faster and sleep better only if they read a few pages of a book before bed. This is a habit that you can continue smoothly if makes you feel better. Read keeping you awake? So avoid reading into the bedroom and prefer other remedies for sleep better, like a tea Goodnight.

6.) Turn Off Computer To Rest Better

Spend too much time in front of the computer in the evening hours may be among the causes of insomnia and sleep disorders. The tide of information that we receive while surfing on the internet stimulates brain so as to make it difficult to rest, especially if we are to computer past midnight. Turn off both your phone and pc so as not to be disturbed by 23 on wards, the ideal time to go to sleep by the rhythm of our body.

7.) Make A Light Dinner To Rest Better

Difficult digestion caused by a rather heavy dinner can impede good rest and disturb sleep. You should leave to spend at least two hours between dinner and going to bed, in order to give the body time to completing the digestion. Choose a light dinner. For example, brought to the table a soup or vegetable soup prepared with ingredients that won't clutter up.

8.) Making Your Evening Stroll

To aid digestion and to shake it a bit, especially if you have spent all day sitting at my desk, don't forget to make a nice evening stroll. Will be relaxed, will help you relax your mind and to put aside the concerns. In addition, it will be useful to help digestion.

9.) Use A Relaxed Bearing To Rest Better

Before going to sleep, remember to place an aromatic or bearing a small pillow with natural padding under or near the pillow. Are shown above all bearings with Lavender padding (you can also package them easily by hand) or spelt chaff pads, which are considered a real natural anti-stress, helps to promote relaxation and good sleep.

10.) Do A Massage To Rest Better

How much time we devote to pampering our body? Probably very little, especially if our days run very quickly. You can devote a few minutes before going to sleep to an auto-relaxing massage with circular movements on the legs and arms in the direction of the heart. If you like, use a body lotion bio or a relaxing massage oil. Such as almond oil or sesame seeds that you've added two or three drops of lavender essential oil.

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